Session and Councils
The Session:
The Session is the governing body of the church whose members are the currently active, elected Elders and which is moderated by the Pastor. The Session manages all aspects of the goals and the business of the local congregation.


Youth Ministries:
The Youth Ministries Council has responsibility for the spiritual growth and increased understanding of our middle school and high school youth of the nature of God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and how they interact with the individual in each of their lives. A deeper understanding of salvation, grace, justification by faith and positively increasing each person’s relationship with Christ are emphasized.
Children Ministries:
The Children’s Ministries Council coordinates the ministry for our children up to middle school age. The council is responsible introducing the children to the basic concepts of Jesus as the son of God and how He would have us live ourselves and in relationship with our neighbors. Teaching programs, Vacation Bible School and other events are some of the means used to achieve these ends.